xenon 高頻交易服務器

xenon 高頻交易服務器



原產地︰香港 特別行政區

單價︰CNY ¥ 168000 / 件

最少訂量︰1 件



ENON has a strong track record of providing highly reliable 1U trading servers and low-latency solutions to leading HFT firms in global financial markets. These solutions are:

  • Designed specifically for low-latency trading and this is achieved by selecting best of breed components for our 1U HFT Servers
  • Designed for maximum performance due to CPU and memory over-clocking
  • Tested extensively for durability to ensure 24 x 7 operating time
  • A scalable architecture with predictable performance that adjusts to meet business requirements
  • Equipped to handle extremely volatile periods of market activity without downtime
  • 24 x 7 Global Onsite Warranty Support